Ready for Redevelopment. The intent and purpose of the Downtown District and Development Standards is to guide the development and redevelopment of sites in Downtown Clearwater consistent with the vision, guiding principles, goals, objectives and policies in the Clearwater Downtown Redevelopment Plan to achieve quality urban and architectural design throughout Downtown. Intended for high-intensity residential and mixed-use development in buildings with street-facing entries opening onto pedestrian-friendly streetscapes and with active ground floor uses along many streets. Buildings are designed with façades aligned along public sidewalks with parking and service areas primarily located behind buildings. This character district is intended to create a transition between higher intensity mixed-use areas in the Downtown Core Character District and residential areas to the east in the Downtown Gateway Character District. The following Business types can go here: Hotel, ALF’s, Museum, Bar/Nighclub, Bed&Breakfast, Indoor Rec/Entertainment, Office, TV Radio Station, Veterinary Services, Alcoholic Beverage Sales, Education Facility, and the list goes on. The Maximum Hotel Density for this area calls for 40 units pr acre and this lot is .13 and the Maximum Height your building can be is 30-35 feet depending on how close your structure is from neighboring property. The existing building was built in 1925 and is in bad shape so our best idea is to have a new creation built and developed.